Reciting My Life

Though I had been working in this same styling in both Detroit and New York City in the 80’s and 90’s, this series began anew in 2009 in France, and continues to this day. It’s a way of discussing my life in coded imagery. The series has changed some over the years, becoming sometimes more simplified and/or more graphic, but always reflecting on my life, present or past.

“Woman, Hand and Flower”

Portrait of a woman blue white and yellow

“Woman in White, Black, Blue and Yellow”

“Just me”

“Self Portrait with Hand and Clock”

“Portrait of a Woman””

“She Reads for Me”

“She Wears Boots”

“Double Self Portrait”

“Me, the Good and the Bad”


“Self Portrait” 2014 acrylic on canvas

Self Portrait” 2014 acrylic on canvas

self portrait with red woman

“Self Portrait with Red Woman” 2013 acrylic on canvas

Self portrait with dead dog

“Self Portrait with Dead Dog” 2013 acrylic on canvas

self portrait with white glove

“Self Portrait with White Glove” 2015

self portrait with two women

“Double Self Portrait with Woman” 2013

mexican angel in black and white

“Mexican Angel in Black and White” 2012

Portrait of Montezuma

“Portrait of Montezuma” 2012

self portrait with bird, dog, and flower

“Self Portrait in the City”

parking stubs paintig

“Parking Stubs”

One of the beauties and wonders of art is that it can be made from whatever might inspire the artist.

“ T Rex and Me”

“Portrait of Christ with the Black Dog”

“The Scholar Made of Glass”


Longchamps Paris / Mexican Angel

