Construction Paintings

This series is an ongoing series since 2015. I call it my “Construction Series” due to the way it is created. Beginning with a dark background and constructing flat areas of color, one after another and on one another. Creating volume and depth with flat zones of color. The art of the Huichol Indians of Mexico was a direct influence on selected works in the second half of the series. After a visit to an exhibition of Huichol art in Marseille, I changed my pallette for the colors of the Huichol Indians of Mexico. Also, there is reference to the color theory of Josef Albers, Cubism and even Pop Art.

"Still Life with a Bowl of Apples”

"Architecture II” - 180cm x 240cm

“ Still Life with Guitar”. Ever since my third year of Art School, I realized my affinity with Cubism. The palpable space, the various points of view, and the dissection of objects has always intrigued me. Beyond representation, moreover, analytic observation of interior, exterior and multiple views at the same time. Also, the guitar, the bottles, the vases and bowls have been life long objects of research for me. I’ve always found these objects to be both masculine and feminine at the same time.

“Agua Azul”

“Cafe in Oaxaca, Mexico”

“Black Pottery of Oaxaca”

Three Woman / Construction Series

These three paintings were created for an International Exhibition in the South of France. They are each 150cm x 80cm. Each painting uses the color theory of Josef Albers.

“Seated Woman”

“Woman in Green Arm Chair”

“Standing Woman”

“Still Life with Two Bottles”

Chair painting



Paintings / Guadalupe


Longchamps Paris / Mexican Angel