“The Pool - Arizona” Vacation series 2023

“Water fun” Arizona - Vacation series 2023


This work began in May 2023. As I work on various paintings and drawings at the same time, none of these are finished. I had been very interested in working from photos for a while. Keeping the image but exploring different colors. The black and white drawings require an intense observation, as the camera can catch what the eye cannot. It is exactly that, that interest me in the these works.

“Bowl of Fruit at the Pool” France Vacation series 2023 (in progress)

painting necklace fro communion

“The Necklace / (Collier)” France 2023

alan sanchez spurs drawing

“Spurs” Rodeo series 2023

alan sanchez rodeo drawing

“Bronco” Rodeo series 2023

“Bull Ride” Rodeo Series 2024


In this sub series, CINEMA. I wanted to create a dialogue beyond the still photos from the films. Juxtaposing two images allows for a new conversation, a new perspective on pop culture images. Taking the images out of context allowing the viewer to rethink the films themselves.

Above Samourai - Wings of Desire

Below Star Wars - The Trilogy of Abu

Cinema Series

By placing two dissimilar stills, from different films next to one another, a new dialogue is created. The images are no longer simply films, iconic or not, this contrast and even complimentary imagary changes the conversation. This begins to offer a new perspective relating more to the images than the films.


Paintings / Guadalupe